This sketch is the plan view of taylor university. This is the 1st floor.
This is the interior of the perspectives. This area is at the food court on the 1st floor. This perspective is sketch based on one point perspective.
This is another interior perspective. This area is in the library. This sketch is sketch by using two point perspective.
Finally, this is the exterior perspective. This sketch is sketch by using one point perspective. This view is from the 2nd floor towards the lake of Taylor University.
This sketch is to show the details in this room. This room is a lecture theater at 1st floor. The sketch is sketch using one point perspective.
This is the detail in the lecture theater at the 1st floor shown above this sketch. This detail is the control of the air-conditioner.
This sketch is the outside of lecture theater. This sketch is sketch using two points perspective. This sketch is also used to show the detail of this place.
This is the detail of the sketch above. This is place on the top of the door.